четверг, 30 апреля 2009 г.

Winter mood

The mood we have is changeable and those who are happy today may grow sad tomorrow and so on. The same is true for the nature and the world around us. Seasons are like different conditions of mood for nature and the winter mood is the most quiet and thoughtful. It is a mood when everything is slipping. It is a time when nature has its rest of all those events it had during a year. Everything falls asleep in winter and that is how it happens from year to years. The earth and nature are tired of everything they underwent and it is like they say “It is enough, I need a rest” and they have that rest they need. Trees are sleeping during winter and some animals are sleeping and everything is sleeping. Everything is covered with white blanket and everything is sleeping. It is a time when everything stops and it is like there is no rush and there is a time to think. There is a time to think about everything important and to make up one’s mind. And it is also the bright mood of winter holidays, when people make gifts for each other and celebrate New Year and Christmas and so on.